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Expedia Coupons & Promo Codes February, 2025

The best online hotel booking platform is here to serve you, and our Expedia coupon code is ready to help you with absolute discounts and savings. Apply our Expedia discount code and expect ultimate benefits and undeniable savings for your budget-friendly booking experience.

Members Save 10% or More on 100,000 Plus Hotels – Book Now

Expedia Deal
As a signed-in member, you can save 10% or more on over 100,000 hotels. Book now and make the most of your membership benefits.

Save 25% or More on City Culture with Member Prices

Expedia Discount Unlocked
Unlock savings of 25% or more on city culture and adventures when you book with Member Prices. Start your journey to exciting destinations now.

Save 20% to 50% on Last-Minute Weekend Getaways

Expedia Discount Unlocked
It’s time to book your weekend adventure. Save Up to 50% on last-minute deals for the perfect weekend getaway. Limited time only.

About Expedia India

Established in 1996, Expedia founder Rich Barton started this company under Microsoft when they gave him the go-ahead. They became successful, but in 2001, they were bought by USA Networks Inc. Today, they are present in various countries such as the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Dubai, France, Germany, Malaysia, Russia, and Singapore and are connected with stays in local destinations such as Bangalore, Goa, Jaipur, Jodhpur, South India, etc. Further, they are one of the top online stay-booking platforms with top-notch customer care services and other various benefits. They offer special deals and benefits for customers that help them make the most out of their bookings with them. Lastly, buyers are advised to get their hands on our Expedia discount code for absolute savings and ultimate discounts.

Membership Benefits

Expedia members enjoy additional benefits, and customers are advised to take note of the points below.

  • Members earn 1 point for every ₹75 spent, whereas Gold members enjoy two more bonus points.
  • Buyers earn 1 point on every ₹375 spent on flight bookings.
  • Make the bookings on the app, and you will earn double points.
  • Also, VIP access bookings will help you earn triple points.
  • You can use the desired number of points for your bookings.
  • You become a Blue Member as soon as you sign up.
  • Customers can reach the Silver tier by earning 10 trip elements in a year.- To reach the Gold level, customers need to earn 25 trip elements in a year.
  • Customers earn one trip element on bookings of flights, hotels, activities, etc.
  • For Silver and Gold members, only trip elements of ₹2,000 are counted.
  • Trip elements are not refundable on cancellations.
  • Further, upgraded tier members enjoy benefits such as WI-Fi, free breakfast, and spa credits.
  • Gold members enjoy the benefit of free room upgrades, an Unlimited number of upgrades, Assignment to the preferred floor, and guaranteed late checkout at VIP access properties.
  • Further, for additional savings, customers are advised to get their hands on our Expedia coupon code for immense savings and discounts.


Payments at Expedia are safe. The options through which you can complete your payments are below.

  • Credit card
  • Debit card
  • Net banking Further, when going for the bookings, buyers are advised to get their hands on our Expedia discount code that will load you with immense savings and absolute discounts on your purchases.

App Benefits

While booking from the Expedia app, below are the benefits customers are catered to, which buyers need to take note of.

  • Avail of the mobile-exclusive offers that help buyers save up to 40% on stays.
  • Get twice the earnings available only through the app.
  • Buyers have the advantage of free cancellations through the app.
  • Book stays, flights, and activities can be done on the app.
  • Arrange your itinerary accordingly through the app.
  • Further, for such additional savings, buyers are advised to fetch our Expedia coupon code for undeniable savings on their purchases.

Customer care services

Expedia's customer care services are supportive. Below are the options through which you can connect with them.

  • Connect through their toll-free number 1860-500-2121 and use +91 (0)124-487-3888 for support outside of the country.
  • Connect with them through the web form services.
  • 24x7 virtual assistant service through live chat.
  • System-generated FAQs guide buyers with quick solutions.

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Expedia FAQs

How do you use the Expedia coupon code?

  • On our website, search for Expedia.
  • It will take you to the deals and offers page.
  • Select one and click it.
  • A redirection will take you to the Expedia website.
  • Select your bookings and proceed.
  • On the payments page, apply our copied discount code.
  • That's it! Discounts are all yours.

What is the Expedia flight cancellation policy?

Flights booked can be easily canceled through their platforms. Also, the cancellation fee depends on the flight carriers and booking time.

How do I get maximum savings for my bookings at Expedia?

For maximum benefits, customers need to grab our promo codes and vouchers that will help them with absolute savings and discounts. Our offers are specially curated to help you with huge benefits.

What is Expedia's partner's program?

Partners programs such as Citi bank rewards and the American Express reward program allow buyers to connect their accounts with Expedia and earn rewards through their bookings.

Can I track my refunds at Expedia?

Yes, to track refunds, buyers can go to the virtual chat option and raise their questions, and you will be guided about your refund status.

When does the Expedia’s sale starts?

We at CollectOffers unravel and bring you the most exciting price markdowns throughout the year on Expedia. Now never miss a single deal on your favorite merchants during the biggest sale events taking place online like Independence Day Sale, Republic Day Sale, Eid, Rakshabandhan, Valentine’s Day, Christmas and other yearly sales. Get the best of your loved online stores and brands at prices like never before with us! Whether it is to upgrade your wardrobe or travel during holidays, we have got your back.