Founded in 1938, Columbia has introduced ground-breaking innovations when it comes to designing outdoor gear. For over 70 years, it has been providing its shoppers with professional-level gear and quality products at feasible prices.
They understand your need for a distraction-free and pleasant experience of the outdoors and that’s why they have designed such products to keep you comfortable. Columbia has a dedicated section for your specific weather and comfort needs.
You’ll find protection gear and innovatively developed products to keep you warm, cold, or dry under unfavourable conditions. Whether you are planning to go skiing, hiking, trekking, or climbing, you can get the right gear at discounts with Columbia promo codes and coupons that we have listed.
All the products bought from the Columbia store carry a quality guarantee of 14 days from the purchase days. If you face any kind of issue with it, you can return it in a resalable condition to get a refund under the Columbia returns policy.
Please note that all the Columbia returns carry an additional cost of HK$50, which is collected from your refund amount. You can reach out to the Columbia customer care team on WhatsApp or WeChat to learn more. The return must be initiated online by giving your reason for the same.
Subscribing to the Columbia newsletter brings in many opportunities to save. Once you sign up, you’ll get a chance to grab a Columbia e-coupon worth HK$200 to save massively on this store.
These emails will also keep you updated about limited-period offers, new arrivals, sale discounts, and other featured recommendations. Don’t forget to explore other Columbia promo codes if you have already used this e-coupon.
Scour through Columbia’s sale section to get clothing, shoes, and other featured equipment on sale. This section allows you to make product comparisons along with offering some intriguing limited-time period offers.
Like if you shop over the value of HK$1200, you’ll get a discount of HK$200 and on a purchase of over HK$2400, you’ll get to save up to HK$400.
There is always one of the other discounts live in your favourite categories, and you just have to find what suits you the most. You can also check out the Columbia promo codes and discounts that we have listed to help you save!
If you are looking for quality alternatives to Columbia to buy sportswear, then you can shop from Adidas.
Shopping from Columbia is extremely rewarding in itself! The shoppers get to earn $25 in rewards every time they spend $100 while making a purchase from this store. Once you join the VIP reward program, you'll enjoy free HK delivery without any minimum order limit, members-exclusive discount offers, and other benefits. Redeem every $100 worth of rewards for a $5 cash discount on your order and use it along with other Columbia promo codes to maximise your savings.
Forget paying any additional charges for shipping on Hong Kong orders! Become a member, and you'll be able to enjoy Columbia's free delivery to HK on orders over the value of HK$800. Orders below this value carry a shipping cost of HK$50, but it can be reduced if you find the Columbia promo codes that are eligible. There are several other delivery options offered by this store, and you can select the most convenient one on the checkout page. The delivery time of any of these methods will be 2-5 working days:
Columbia provides a special discount to its employees. They can avail of a Columbia free shipping code for Hong Kong orders if their order value exceeds HK$800. They just have to verify themselves with their valid employee ID to get access to this offer. If their order doesn't meet this threshold, then the shoppers can use the Columbia coupon code to save.
We at CollectOffers keep track of Columbia's best deals, offers, and coupons to help you unlock huge savings. Seize the super saver offers on your must-have products during promotions such as Chinese New Year sales, 7.7 sales, 8.8 sales, 9.9 Mega sales, 11.11 Singles Day sales, Hari Raya sales, Christmas sales, & loads more. The events bring along excellent opportunities to save up to 80% on best-seller products in Columbia. Get ready to order your favourites at prices like never before.